Sunday, March 7, 2010


In 2000 I wrote, published and claimed copyright on this concept (bolding added now):

This principle stresses that to optimize the training effect, it is necessary to take into account all the factors that the individual athlete presents. This suggests that each training program needs to be individualized. Modified to suit the individual, in each aspect of training - speed, strength, endurance, flexibility and so on.

I was conducting research and I came upon the following exercise in a publication copyright claimed by another 'author' at a subsequent date (bolding added):

To really maximize the training effect it is necessary to take into account every single individual difference that the athlete presents. Each training program needs to be individualized and modified to suit the individual. Many coaches know about this. Few actually apply it. You can give me all the excuses you want about time, etc. by you can’t ignore the fact you are short-changing the athletes by providing generic training programs.

And I said to myself: “That looks familiar!” So I cross-referenced it and I said to myself: “Wow! No wonder that looked familiar!”

And I came upon this wording another one more times by the same 'author' in different publications - in the absence of credits or references to the origin or permission to use from the original author (myself), and that the 'author' claimed copyright....

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